Monday, April 28, 2014


Hello everyone!

As some of you know, I used to have a blog. That didn't last long. No surprise. Anyway, I decided to give it a try again except I wanted it to be about more things that I love so I could possibly have a section for more people's interests.

I love everything, but I can't be professional at everything. For example- photography. I tried it once but.... yeah. It didn't work out. I absolutely hated trying so desperately hard to find people to photograph when everyone and their freaking dog already had a family member that does photography that didn't charge them. So I really didn't see it getting to a point of being a career, and I am not really even sure if I wanted to do that as a career. Plus I definitely don't have enough experience, or even photoshop for that matter, to make it a career. But I didn't want to completely give it up, so I decided to just make it a hobby for myself and for my family. Although if you did like my work and wanted some pictures taken of course I would be happy to:)  So there will be some photography on here for anyone that gets inspiration from that. Oh and you can also purchase some of my nature photography by clicking the link at the bottom of the photography page that will take you to my Etsy shop:)

I also love clothes and fashion. If you remember me from Jr. High, I do not blame you for this being a surprise. Remember my "Avril Lavigne wannabe punk" phase? Yeah. Ugh. Lets just all erase that from our brains k? Anyway, I love fashion now. But I am not interested in it enough to memorize all the ridiculously expensive clothing designers and fabrics or attending fashion shows or whatnot so I will be posting some of my own fashion for fun for all the people out there that like exploring different ideas. And maybe a little bit of toddler fashion:)

There may be some cooking! Or some deliciously healthy smoothie recipes! Eating healthy is one of my biggest passions, I am alllll about it! So much that if I am ever stuck in a place that does not have organic or clean food choices, I am not the most delightful person to be around...ha I know that is something I need to work on! But seriously, I just want real food....even if all you have is just straight up raw carrots or broccoli. I don't care. I will take it. And I will love it. Anyway, I have been into the "eating whole" thing for about 3 years now and I love finding recipes that are healthy and tasty and I want to share some for people looking for the same as well.

Decorating! I am obsessed with decorating my house. Completely obsessed I tell you. So I will have a section just for decorating inspiration. And for all seasons and holidays!

Lastly... crafting of course. I have to craft or I go crazy. So if I ever make anything good I will post about those!

So thats pretty much it! I am still deciding if I want to add a music section or not because I (believe it or not) still play the guitar! I know crazy right? I might throw in a few covers here and there and some of my own songs for anyone interested in that!

So yeah. If you like any of these things, welcome to my blog! Whatever subject interests you most, just look for the tab at the top of my page:).

Peace out!

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