Monday, June 9, 2014

Working With Small Spaces: Office

Being in the Military, Jay and I got pretty dang good at fitting into teeny tiny places! I mean, our first house in Washington D.C. was 480 sq ft! And that is pretty much as big of a place as you will find over there in D.C., unless you are a billionaire. Then maybe you could afford 500 sq ft. But thats a maybe. Anyway, we moved furniture around like at LEAST every weekend, painted walls to make it look bigger, and downsized on pretty much everything to make the tiny space work. Then we moved to California and thankfully the houses there are a bit more livable, so we acquired more things while being there. Then we moved back to Utah into a basement apartment and ran into the same problem. SO I wanted to share with you guys a few projects we have done while living in these places to make things work in small spaces in case any of you are dealing with the same situation!

Oh and on a side note... I love Better Homes and Gardens so much, I am pretty much obsessed, but whenever they have an article on how to decorate small spaces, or storage solutions for small spaces, it is a joke. They have no idea what small spaces really means. They will never know until they see the houses I have lived in haha. Seriously...what is considered small to them would be like a mansion to me. I would never be able to use their ideas from their small spaces articles because none of that crap would fit in my house! But besides that, Better Homes and Gardens is seriously like my biggest home inspiration of all time. If you want awesome ideas for your home, subscribe to their magazine!

So here is our office. We had a little storage room in our basement apartment that we weren't using so we decided to make it our office. And we actually kinda didn't mind the whole unfinished wood, industrial look! So for hardly any money and little time (literally only like an hour) we put it together to fit that look.
 Using chalkboard spray paint, we painted an area of the wall so we could write notes and reminders. We also added cork board so we could pin reminders, photos, and pretty much anything!

 To cover up a lot of really ugly wall without having to do like any work whatsoever and without having to spend money on paint, I tore out some pages from my magazines that I find inspirational and pinned them in those areas. Super easy and quick.

I did the same thing but with pictures that I had already printed out.

And for the big wall, I just hung some posters I love. I usually NEVER use posters, EVER because they can so easily look tacky, but I didn't want to spend money on paint and this was all I had. So when I display things like this, I like them to have meaning to me so I am not just looking at a random picture. I like to be reminded to go out and explore, find hobbies, take adventures, or just reminded myself of a good memory. I chose these because it reminds me of my surfing days when I lived in California. Unfortunately it was not long enough, but they were some of the greatest memories.

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